And at last, but not least, they are in contact, sin-
ce last year, with the Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias A-
gricolas, under the direction of the Ministry of Public Works -
of Venezuela.
Intensive training courses are being given by the Geo
morphology team in Belem.
- To map, in short term and in a regional reconnaissance scale
(1:250.000 and 1:1.000.000), all the areas covered by the
RADAM BRASIL Project, preparing geologic maps to ilustrate -
the text of the respective thematic report both supplied as
components of each published volume.
To assist and advise the other Project Teams and Government
- To locate mineral ocurrences detectable by the remote sensing
I method and the identification of outcrops by field investiga-
To integrate the obtained information correlated to the avai-
lable geologic data, both national and worldwide.
- The geologic mapping involving the delimitation of lithostra-
tigraphic units positioned in a chronological way and associa
ted to the plotting of mineral deposits, makes possible to
establish, in a real technical basis -(extremely help by the
radar images), a basic structure of profitable knowledges for
future work, and suggest potential areas of ore mineral bod-
dies, which could be evaluated by specific detail projects.
I The national geoeconomic horizon was also broadened, since -
the interpretation of RADAR imagery and the necessary field
control of units delineated in the various tipes of enviro-