Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

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The integration of activities and final results with other 
Teams of the RADAMBRASIL Project and with other Projects - 
of the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM). 
Development of four preliminary plans for the DNPM, started 
with data gathered by the RADAMBRASIL: 
1 - Mutum Range (alcaline rocks) 
2 - Seis Lagos Hill (4 an pés carbonatites) 
3 - Tupuruquara (carbonatitic diatrem) 
4 - Providencia and Sagrada Paixào Ranges (Manganese) 
Preparetion of six technical reports for restricted circula- 4 * 
Preparation of ten tecnnical reports authorized for. unrestric 
ted circulation. 
Detection of mineralization evidences of: lignite in the So- 
limoes basin; radioactive minerals in Surucucu; Manganes, - 
Niobium and Radioactive minerals in Uaupes; Titanium of Ca- 
nama; Tin in various places of south of Para and north of 
Mato Grosso; radioactive minerals in Machadinho and Ituxi, 
Manganese in the Ji-Parana and Branco Rivers basins, at the 
Rondonia-Mato Grosso border, followed by technical advise - 
to the prospection activities developed subsequently by the é € 
Mines and Energy Ministry under control of the D.N.P.M., = 
C.P.R.M. and NUCLEBRAS, as well as subsidies to the resear- 
ches of the Polamazon. 
Training of personnel of the Geology Team itself, in various 
agencies in Brasil and outside as well as training of techni 
cians of other government agencies: SUDECO (M.I.), Army Spe- 
cialists Academy (M.E.),Institute of Applied Geosciences = 
(I.G.A.), Bahia State Government, Para-State Government, Nu- 
ciebras, C+P.R.M. and SUDAM C(M.I.). 
Advice and cooperation with government entities: ELETRONORTE, a 
FSESP, SUDAM, IDESP, CPRM, SUDECO, Para State government, RO 
raima Territory government, DOCEGEO, NUCLEBRÁS, FUNAI, Para

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