Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

This is an Oceanographic Project whose goal is a deep and 
conscientions investigation of the Cold Watter Upwellings occuring 
near the Coast in Cabo Frio, State of Rio de Janeiro, and their con 
tribuition to see food growth around that area. 
Various airborne remote sensors have Deen used in these 
investigations, but Far Infra-Red Scanner seems to be the best pro- 
be for that purpose. 
A Bendix for infra-red remote sensor was scanning the = 
ocean, near the Coast of Cabo Frio when some of those upwellings - 
occurred and at the same time two oceanographic boats collected a 
lot of ground truth including water samples from various depths to 
be immediately tested in the bio-chemical and bio-physical laborato 
ries of the oceanographic boads. 
The tongue of cold water was perfectly detected by the 
remote sensor and could be precisely delineated on the images. 
Using the ground truth it was possible the estimate the 
thickness of these tongues and consequently their volumes, 
A Computer program was developed for that purpose and the 
researchs are showing that it is possible to correlate the volume - 
of the upwellings with the intensity and direction of the wind when 
the phenomenum takes place. 
By knowing the conted of nutrients per cubic meter, it is 
possible to estimate the quantity of phytoplanktons and the quanti- 
ty of zooplankton that can be expected to grow and consequently try 
to estimate the approximate quantity of fish deriving from such oc- 
Thanks to the shape of the coast and to the direction and 
intensity of the land wind in that point, very properly called Cold 
Cap, the cold water bodies running down in bottom of the. Ocean rise 
up to the surface when the warm coast waters are throwed away from 

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