The Cuiaba tracking and receiving Station is equipped with the
following sub-systems:
- Antenna Sub-system
- Data Reception Sub-system
- Data Recording Sub-system.
The Antenna sub-system includes a meter parabolic reflector -
provided with a servo-motor for automatic tracking, even though -
the tracking can be also pre-programed and tape punched or manually
comanded, meaning that the satellite tracking is very reliable opera
The Reception Sub-system consists of signal receiving, demodu
lating and Bit Synchronizing equipment.
The Recording Sub-system consists of three different high per-
formance recorders:
-.An AMPEX.FR-1928. video recorder for the. MSS.
- An RCA TR-70 video recorder for the RBV.
- A small recorder for telemetric data (orbital parameters, satelli
te altitude, radiometric data, etc.).
Both the MSS and the RBU data can be shown in a Quick-Look Mo-
nitor and the image produced in this monitor can be photographed.
End products from the Tracking and Recording Station are:
1). Tapes recorded with MSS signals
2). Tapes recorded with RBU signals
3). Tapes recorded with Telemetric signals
4). Black & White 70 mm negative films
5). Polaroid photographs.
Items 4 and 5 are obtained from the Quick Look Monitor (CRT mo
Polaroid photographs are used for controlling the signal quali
ty as to noise, distorsion, line discontinenty, etc.