Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

the course description and the title. All photointerpreta- 
tion and photogeology courses are remote sensing courses, 
but all remote sensing sourses are not photointerpretation 
or photogeology courses. Forest photogrammetry courses are 
included under photointerpretation. 
The American Society of Photogrammetry publishes mon- 
thly "Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing" with 
circulation of approximately 10 000. We ought to be aware 
of the fact that the problems connected with the Commission 
VI activity play an extremely important and useful role in 
the life of our Society. Scientists and technicans in the 
field of photogrammetry, photointerpretation and remote sens- e 
ing —- belonging to other six Technical Commissions of ISP - 
should find an opportunity for closer cooperation /in the 
domain of Commission VI/ in mobilizing the world photogram- 
metric opinion to solve the urgent problems facing ISP. 
The climate of Helsinki, the city where significant per- 
sonalities - ambassadors for Peace successfully debated last 
year, gives us the hope that our efforts will create a con- 
ductive atmosphere within our Society also in the nearest 
Warszawa, Czackiego 3/5 
na zlecenie Stowarzyszenia Geodetów Polskich 
Druk. Zaklad Poligraficzny WCT NOT — Warszawa 
Zam. 109/76 Naklad 2020+10 egz 

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