Landsat has not found the applications in the monitoring of seasonal events
that one might have expected. Solid work has been done by Ashley (1971) and
others in the "Green Wave" and "Brown Wave" experiments in the United States,
but the main interest in the monitoring of phenological events has remained in
agriculture. This is somewhat of a disappointment, because Landsat is well adapted
for the monitoring of seasonal changes.
Monitoring in wildlife studies is aimed at both habitat and the direct obser-
vation of animals. Remote sensing contributes to habitat studies through its role in
vegetation mapping, forest inventories and agricultural surveys, which all contain
basic data on habitat. Wildlife scientists are also concerned with remote sensing
programs on inland water bodies and oceans. For instance, upwellings in the
oceans, which are to some extent detectable by remote sensing of surface
temperature and colour, are associated with essential enrichment of the food
sources for sea birds and marine life. Also, the ability to detect and observe oil
spills is a prerequisite to the protection of sea birds, ducks and geese and of
shoreline habitats.
A recent contribution to habitat surveys has been the development of
operational systems for the inventory of ponds and lakes with Landsat data. Ponds
over approximately 1.6 hectares in size can be recognized with high accuracy using
a single spectral band, and substantial progress has been made in estimating smaller
water areas by combining information from several bands (Work and Gilmer, 1976).
Remote sensing, in an international monitoring system combining ground
observations, light aircraft and data from Landsat, is relied upon for an annual
evaluation of duck populations, leading to the establishment of hunting regulations.
Gilmer, Klett and Work (1975) describe the potentially significant contribution of
Landsat. Satellite imagery is also used to monitor goose populations (Reeves,
Munro and Marmelstein, 1975), and to observe the receding of the snow line, which
in turn is used to predict the nesting success of lesser snow geese (Kerbes and
Moore, 1975).
Aerial photography too plays an important role in the direct observation of
wildlife populations, often as a supplement to visual observations in the census of
gregarious or migratory birds (Figure 5). Heyland has long been a proponent of the
use of vertical aerial photography and light aircraft for the census of geese, other
migratory birds, musk oxen and sea mammals. His scales of photography are often
in the order of 1:3,000 and 1:5,000, but can be as large as 1:150. for. detailed
examination of individual animals (Figure 6). He provides excellent examples of
such photography in the proceedings of a 1975 workshop on remote sensing in
wildlife held in Quebec City (Heyland, 1975). These proceedings also describe how
Meyer's versatile resource inventory system, based on small format and conven-
tional aerial photography, has found application in the monitoring of waterfowl
populations and habitat (Meyer 1975).
Coastal zones, shorelines and oceans
In recent years the resources of coastal zones and continental shelves as well
as the oceans themselves, have commanded increasing attention not only because
of the direct value of the resources involved, but also because we have begun to
understand the full effect of man's potentially destructive impact through
pollution, depletion of fish stocks and land use changes that lead to degradation of