Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

According to the 1972 Ottawa Congress ISP resolutions 
/see 1//, the major objectif of W.G. VI-1 is the continua- 
tion of work for the establishment of a world's inventory 
on .photogrammetric education and research with increased 
emphasis on photo-interpretation and remote sensing.-Work 
. Within W.G. VI-1 on this subject has been going on for ne- 
arly ten years. A considerable number of members of W.G. 
VI-1 have provided valuable information /Dr. Ghosh, Mr.Ho- 
schtitzky, Dr.Rokos, Mr.Tait, Dr.Trinder, etc./. The re - 
sults of the respective surveys and their analyses are 
presented in the following sections. 
2. World Inventory on Photogrammetry Educational Insti- 
In presenting the available information material it 
was felt necessary to distinguish between university le- 
vel institutions /U/, technologist and/or technician le- 
vel institutions /T/ and auxiliary personnel institutions 
/A/. Regarding the institutions to be taken into conside- 
ration it was decided to inolude all institutions of which 
it is known or can be assumed that they offer some ins - 
truction in photogrammetry /introduction to photogrammetry, 
or the equivalent of about 1 semestr credit hour/ up to 
those institutions offering an extensive program in photo- 
grammetry education. - In view of the fact that the avai- 
lable information material is quite volumeous it was felt 
not adviseable to present in this report a detailed list 
of the institutions for all countries of the world. For 
this reason only an inventory of the institutions for va- 
rious regions /continents/ are presentied. The regions in 
question are the following: 
Asia /without USSR/ 
Central E South America 
Europe /without USSR/ 
1/ Brandenberger, A.—-J.: "Activity Report of W.G. VI-1 
/lorking Group on Education and Research/", ISP-Com- 
mission VI Symposium in Cracow, May 15-15, 1975. 
Re "2 A

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