is located), to see how aerial photography would fit into the local information
collection procedures. The project, called ELISE (Experimental Local Infor-
mation System Enschede), started in November 1974 and is still in its first
phase, that of the inventory of the existing situation. The aims of the project
i to see whether aerial photography is a useful tool for planning, admin-
istration and management in a town of the size of Enschede (+ 150,000
ii to assess the operational requirements in regard to scale, frequency of
coverage, material, etc;
ili ^ toevaluate the economic aspects of air photo use in terms of cost/
iv to develop ultimately an integrated system of local information handling
based on frequent airphoto coverage.
For the period of the research (4-5 years), aerial photography of Enschede
will be flown yearly by the ITC with its own aircraft. This photography will
be put at the disposal of the municipality, which can use it for any purpose it
considers relevant. Where necessary, the ITC will assist with technical advice
on interpretation procedures or with the training of municipal staff. The
municipality will report whether airphoto procedures give satisfactory results
for a given purpose, and how they compare with other methods of data
In a second phase, the photography will be processed by orthophoto
equipment into metrically correct photo maps. It is expected that these photo
maps will form the basis of a digital data bank for spatial municipal informa-
tion. Also, special equipment for stereo interpretation of orthophotos (change
detection) will be developed.
À first round of discussions with the technical services of the munici-
pality regarding their spatial information needs, and how they contemplate
using aerial photography, has just been completed. A report on the subjects
and methods of municipal data collection has been published as a result of
this survey (de Bruijn and Dijkstra 1975). Some results of the first inventory
are shown in figure 4.
There is, however, some kind of tautological problem apparent in this
field. Local authorities try to have administrative procedures for the informa-