More attention should be given to the improvement of operational proce-
dures for the collection and processing of urban information, including the
use of aerial photography. A closer rapport with the information require-
ments of urban planners and decision-makers should be pursued.
The application of sequential photography in urban areas should be
institutionalised in a way similar to the use of sequential statistical
Urban photo-interpretation should be included in the educational
programme of geographers and town planners as a compulsory subject.
In-service training in the use of aerial photographs should be arranged
by agencies involved in urban planning, administration and management.
Reporting on operational applications of aerial photography and remote
sensing to urban problems by imagery, hardware and software develop-
ment should be intensified and systematised. The publication and inter-
national exchange of research findings should be stimulated as much as
More attention should be given to training and research in urban photo-
interpretation so that it is adjusted to the particular needs of the
developing countries.
Finally, it is proposed that a standing Working Group on Urban Photo-Inter-
pretation should be established by Commission VII of the ISP.
Ackerknecht, D. Informationsraster (landesplanerischen Daten-
1969 bank) 1. and 2. Teil
ETH, Zürich
D' Alleux, Einsele and Metropolitan Lagos, Water-Supply Demand
H.J. Karpe Analyses , preliminary report
1975 GKW Consulting Engineers, Dortmund
Avery, T. Eugene Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
1968 (2nd ed) Burgess Publ Cy, Minneapolis
Bashour, R Land Cover Map , Dublin field work 1970
1970 Urban area studies, ITC, Delft