Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

Horton, Frank E. 
Kajamaa, M. and M. 
Kraus, S.P., L.W. Senger 
and J.M. Ryerson 
Kreig, R.A. 
Lindgren, David T. 
Lo, Chor Pang 
Masser, Ian 
McLoughlin, J. Brian 
Moore, Eric G. and Barry 
S. Wellar 
Remote Sensing Techniques and Urban Data 
Acquisition: selected examples Remote Sensing: 
techniques for environmental analysis. Estes, 
John E. and Leslie W. Senger (eds), Santa 
Barbara (Hamilton) 
On Developing Thematic Cartography in Finland 
7th Int Conf on Cartography, Madrid 
Estimating Population from Photographically 
Determined Residential Land Use Types 
Remote Sensing of Environment, 3, 35-42, 
(includes a discussion of previously published 
Aerial Photographic Interpretation for Land 
Use Classification in the New York State Land 
Use and Natural Resources Inventory 
Photogrammetria, 26, 101-111 
Urban Information Systems and Remote Sensing 
ITC Journal 1973-4, 659-677 
Aerial Photographic Analysis of the Urban 
Environment: a study of the three-dimensional 
aspects of land use in the city centres of Glasgow 
and Hong Kong Glasgow (unpublished Ph D 
diss Univ of Glasgow) 
Planning with Incomplete Data, Population 
Growth and Metropolitan Planning in the Third 
World Town Planning Review, 
vol 45 no 2, 157-169 
Urbanisation in the Developing Countries and 
Environmental Management 
ITC Journal 1973-2, 293 
Urban Data Collection by Airborne Sensor 
Journal American Institute of Planners 35 no 1

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