At the present time photogrammetry is mainly taught
at institutions with a much broader study program. There
are, however, institutions which specialize, entirely,on
surveying E mapping education, or on photogrammetry edu-
cation, or which are specialized institutions with major
emphasis on photogrammetry education. On a world-wide le-
vel there are presently 13 such institutions on the U-le-
vel /of which 5 in Asia, and 2 in the USSR each one with
an entire faculty of photogrammetry/, and 85 on the T-le-
It is interesting to analyse in what faculties, scho=
ols, or departments photogrammetry is taught at institu—
tions with broader study programs /broader than surveying
and mapping, or photogrammetry/. This has been compiled
and is shown in Table II /the A-institutions /only one/
have been omitted/. In this table all faculties, schools,
or departments at which photogrammetry is taught, are shown,
ordered according to the various regions of the world. The
following abbreviations have been used:
C.B.: Taculties, schools, or departments of civil engi-
neering, environmental engineering and related en-
gineering /architecture, eto./
Faculties, schools, or departments of forestry E
Geog.: Faculties, sohools, or departments of geography
Geol.: Departments of geology, or earth sciences
M. :_ . Miscellaneous faculties, schools, or departments
Ph. : Photogrammetry departments, or departments with
major emphasis on photogrammetry
S. 1 Schools, or departments of surveying, or of geode-
tic science, or of cartography, or schools and de-
partments with major emphasis on surveying or car-
U: Unspecified faculties, sohools or departments
From Table II it follows that in the U-Category pho-
togrammetry is mainly taught in the C,E. Class and this
in Africa, Asia, C. EB S.Amerioa, and N.America, while in
Europe and Oceania photogrammetry is mainly taught in sur-