Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

veying schools or departments. In the T-Oategory photo- 
grammetry is mainly taught in surveying departments with 
the exception of Africa. It is mentioning worthwile that 
already now there are 9 university-level institutions 
with their own photogrammetry departments, It should be 
furthher mentioned that on a world-wide level, in 37 % 
of all faculties, schools, or departments of the U-Cate- 
gory photogrammetry is taught in the C.E. Class, while 
in other 63 % of all faculties, schools or departments, 
photogrammetry is taught elsewhere. In the T-Category 
and on a world-wide level, teaching of photogrammetry 
in the 3-Class has the majority /52 4/. 
3. World Analysis on Professional Photogrammetrio Rese- 
arch Personnel and R E D- Efforts 
In the part, very little has been known on the orga- 
nization and the policies of photogrammetric research. 
No specific information has been available on the world’s 
personnel, expenditures and equipment involved in photo- 
grammetric research. To obtain a comprehensive picture 
on the world’s photogrammetric research operation and po- 
tential a comprehensive survey has to be conducted in the 
near future. At this stage we are only able, based on a 
fairly extensive amout of information, to present more or 
less reliable estimations on personnel involved in photo- 
grammetric research. The estimation figures for various 
regions of the world are presented in Table III. In this 
table the following abbreviations are used: 
Gov. : Research personnel in government agencies 
Priv. : Research personnel in private industry 
Misc. : Research personnel in other organizations 
/e.g. international organizations/ 
According to this table 80 ¢ of the research person- 
nel is in government agencies, 19 % in private industry, 
and 1 % in other organizations. — Based on available eoó- 
nomic information, it can be assumed that presently and 
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