Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

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F.K. LIST, N.W. ROLAND, D. HELMCKE, 1974, Comparison of Geological information 
from satellite imagery, aerial photography and ground investigations in the 
Tibesti Mountains, ISP. Proceedings, Banff, Alberta, Canada, oct. 7-11, pp. 543-544. 
M. LOBJOIT, 1975, Utilisation combinée des images de satellite et des données 
géophysiques en géologie, Thèse Doct. Ing., I.F.P., 92502 Rueil-Malmaison, 197 p. 
S.E. MARSH, 1975, The feasibility of satellite thermal infrared sensing of 
geothermal sources, Stanford Remote Sens. Lab. Technical Rep*., 75212. Z71l.Dp. 
J.B. MILLER, 1975, ERTS image studies as applied to petroleum exploration in 
Kenya, Symp. on Rem. Sens., A case history research conf., Space Techn. Center, e Q 
Lawrence, Kansas, Feb. 18-20. 
R.K. MOORE, J.P. CLAASSEN, A.C. COOK et al, 1974, Simultaneous active and passive 
microwave response of the Earth - the Skylab Radscat experiment, gth Int. Symp. 
on Rem. Sens. of Environt., Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 15-19. 
A. MOREL, L. PRIEUR, 1975, Analyse spectrale des coefficients d'atténuation diffuse, 
de réflexion diffuse, d'absorption et de rétrodiffusion pour diverses régions 
marines, Labo. d'Océanographie Physique, Villefrance s/mer, Rapport n9.:017, 157 p. 
V.E. NOBLE, J.C. WILKERSON, 1970, Sea surface temper. mapping flights, Norvegian 
Sea, Summer 1968 ; Symp. on Remote Sens. of the Environt., Ann Arbor, pp.187-193. e © 
N. OPRESCU, M. ALBOTA, Ch. CORCODEL, D. RADULESCU, 1974, Some possibilities for 
operational calibration of the photo-interpretation Remote Sensing Data ; some 
applications in the Wetlands, Danube Delta, I.S.P. Symp. on Rem. Sens. and Photo- 
interp., Banff, Alberta, oct. 7-11, pp. 287-300. 
R.L. PICKETT, 1968, An infrared technique for tracking the Gulf Stream, Proc. of 
the 5th Symp. on Remote Sens. of the Environt., Ann Arbor, pp. 549-554. 
M.J. PINCUS, M.B. DOBRIN, 1966, Geological application of optical data processing, 
J. Geophy. Res., 71 (20), pp. 4861-4869. 
H.A. POHU, T.W. OFFIELD, K. WATSON, 1974, Thermal inertia mapping from satellite- e: d & 
discrimination of geologic units in Oman, Jour. Research U.$.6.5.,2, 147-158. 

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