Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

Number of Research Personnel 
Region ; Gov. Priv. Misc. Total 
Africa 20 aod 1 ‘1 24 
"Asia - 316* 24 - 340 
0, É.5. a 
America 18 9 - 27 
Europe 261 112 13 386 
N. America 168 122 6 296 
Oceania 15 - - 15 
USSR 350 - - 350 
| "orld 1148 270 20 1438 
X Tneludes the People’s Republic of China with an es- 
timated figure of 250. 
on a world-wide basis approximately U.S. § 9 milion is 
spent per year for photogrammetric research and develop- 
ment /R E D/, or something in the order of 1.2 % of the 
world’s total annual expenditures for photogrammetric work 
/approximately U.S. § 700 milion for 1975/. This percenta- 
ge is not very much different from the average percentage 
of the GNP /Gross National Product/ for the world's entire 
RED expenditures. It would be doubtlessly of considerable 
value to analyze whether the present photogrammetrio R E D 
efforts are adequate or not. Because of insufficient availa- 
ble information at this time this item is not pursued fur- 
ther, in this paper; it is rather suggested that the study 
of the entire complexe of photogrammetrio R E D be made a 
priority subject for future activity of W.G. VI-1. 
4. Conelusions and Recommendations 
An analysis of the world's present status of photo- 
grammetry education and researoh reveals that considerable 
progress has been made up to now considering the faot that 

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