Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

Advanced scanners and imaging systems for earth observations. 1972. 
Chapter 4, Solid state arrays for multispectral imaging from earth 
orbit. pp. 309-405. In Report of a Working Group Meeting Convened 
by National Aeronautics and Space Administration at Cocoa Beach, 
Florida, December 11-15, 1972. 604 p. 
Amelio, Gilbert F. 1974. Charge-coupled devices. Scientific American. 
Vol 230, No: 2. pp. 22-31, 
Bernstein, R. 1973a. Results of precision processing (scene correction) 
of ERTS-1 images using digital image processing techniques. In Sym- 
posium on Significant Results Obtained from the Earth Resources 
Technology Satellite 1. Vol 1: 1143-1150. NASA SP-327. NASA- 
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. 
Bernstein, R. 1973b. Scene correction (precision processing) of ERTS 
sensor data using digital image processing techniques. In Proce- 
edings of Third Earth Resources Technology Satellite 1 Symposium. 
Vol 1: 1909-1928. NASA SP-351. NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, 
Greenbelt, Maryland. 
Bernstein, R. and D. G. Ferneyhough, Jr. 1975. Digital image processing. 
Photogrammetric Engineering. 41: 1465-1476. 
Erikson, J. D. 1975. Advances in automatic extraction of earth resources 
information from multispectral scanner data. In Proc. of the NASA 
Earth Resources Survey Symposium. Vol 1-B: 1245-1276. NASA, John- 
son Space Center, Houston, Texas. 
ERTS data users handbook. 1971. Document No. 71SD4249.  NASA-Goddard 
Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. 
Fleming, M. D., J. S. Berkebile, and R. M. Hoffer. 1975. Computer-aided 
analysis of LANDSAT - MMS data: a comparison of three approaches, 
including a "modified clustering" approach. LARS Information Note 
072475. LARS, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. 99 p. 
Fritz, N. L. 1975. High definition color and multispectral films. Proc. 
5th Biennial Workshop on Color Aerial Photography in Plant Sciences. 
Amer. Soc. of Photogram. Sioux Falls, S.D., August 19-21, 1975. 
Goetz, A. F. H., F. C. Billingsley, A. R. Gillespie, M. J. Abrams, R. L. 
Squires, E. M. Shoemaker, I. Lucchitta, and D. P. Elston. 1975. 
Application of ERTS images and image processing to regional geologic 
problems and geologic mapping in northern Arizona. NASA Tech. 
Report 32-1597. Jet Propulsion Lab. Pasadena, California. 188 Dp. 
Greenwood, Ted. 1973. Reconnaissance and arms control. Scientific 
American. Vol 228, No. 2. pp. 14-25. 
Harris, D. W. 1968. Aerial photographic exposure. In Manual of Color 
Aerial Photography. American Society of Photogrammetry. George 
Banta Co., Menasha, Wisconsin. 550 p. 
Henze, J. and R. DeZur. 1975. Interactive digital image manipulation 
System. In Proc. of the NASA Earth Resources Survey Symposium. 
Vol 1-B: 1415-1435. NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. 

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