Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

Hoffer, R. M. and staff. 1975. Natural resource mapping in mountainous 
terrain by computer analysis of ERTS-1 satellite data.  LARS Research 
Bulletin 919. LARS, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. 
124 p. 
Hord, R. M. and W. G. Brooner. 1976. Land-use map accuracy criteria. 
Photogrammetric Engineering. 42: 671-677. 
Johnson, R. H. 1975. M-DAS - systems for multispectral data analysis. 
In Proc. of the NASA Earth Resources Survey Symposium. Vol 1-B: 
1323-1350. NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. 
Landgley, P. G. 1975. Multistage variable probability sampling: theory 
and use in estimating timber resources from space and aircraft 
photography. PhD Dissertation. University of California, Berkeley, 
California. . 101 p. 
LaPado, R. L. and R. E. Ekstrand. 1974. A procedure for standardization 
of color infrared film response. Special Report ESL-SR161 for NASA, 
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. 
Nichols, J. D. and staff. 1974. ERTS-1 data as an aid to wildland re- 
source management in northern California. Type III Final Report. 
SS1 Ser. 16, Iss. 62. Space Sciences Laboratory, University of 
California, Berkeley, California. Personal communication. 
Nichols, J. 1976. ESL, Inc., Sunnyvale, California. Personal commun- 
Nielson, V. 1974. Photographic image enhancement. Department of En- 
vironment, Canadian Forestry Service Publ. No. 1345, Ottawa, Canada. 
Péet, F. C., A. R. Mack, and L. S. Crosson. 1973, Affine transformations 
from aerial photos to computer compatible tapes. In Proceedings of 
Third Earth Resources Technology Satellite 1 Symposium. Vol 1: 1719- 
1724. NASA SP-351. NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, 
Peet, F. G. 1975. A technique for locating ground calibration data on 
image 100 output. Forest Management Institute Info. Report.  FMR- 
X-84. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 37 p. 
Poulton, Charles E. 1975. A comparative interregional analysis of se- 
lected data from LANDSAT I and EREP for the inventory and monitoring 
of natural ecosystems. Proc. of NASA Earth Resources Survey Sym- 
posium, Houston, Texas, June, 1975. Vol 1-A. pp. 507-568. 
Quinn, M. J. 1975. ERIPS - earth resource interactive processing system. 
In Proceedings of the NASA Earth Resources Survey Symposium. Vol 1-B: 
1351-1354. NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. 
Rifman, S. S. 1973. Digital rectification of ERTS multispectral imagery. 
In Sumposium on Significant Results Obtained from the Earth Resources 
Technology Satellite 1. Vol 1: 1131-1142. NASA SP-327. NASA-God- 
dard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. 
Rohde, W. G. and H. J. Moore. 1974. Forest defoliation ¢ 
satellite imagery. In Proc. of Ninth International Symposium on 
Remote Sensing of Environment. Vol 2. pp. 1089-1104. ERIM, Ann 
Arbor, Michigan. 
Rohde, W. G., T. W. D. Gregg, and H. J. Moore. 1975. Detection of gypsy 
moth, Porthetria dispar (L), damage with high altitude aircraft and 
satellite data. In Remote Sensing of Earth Resources. Vol IV: 403- 
430. Univ. of Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, Tennessee. 
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