Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

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Annon. 1972. Infrared colour photography detects unhealthy trees for lands 
and forest department. Commonwealth Forestry Review 51(2):116. 
Beaubien, J. and L. Jobin. 1974. Forest insect damage and cover types from 
high altitude colour-IR photographs and ERTS-1 imagery. In I.S.P. Comm. 
XII Proc. Symp. Remote Sens. & Photo Interpretation; Vol. 1:449-454. 
(Can. Inst. Surveying, 512 Rochester St., Ottawa, Canada.) 
Bradshaw, F.J. 1974. Large-scale 70 mm colour photography as an aid to 
detecting jarrah dieback. In I.S.P. Comm. VII Proc. Symp. Remote Sens. 
and Photo Interpretation; Vol. 1:439-448. 
Buys, A.A. 1973. The Canadian approach to remote sensing. In Hildebrandt,G. 
(editor). 1973. Proceedings Symposium IUFRO Subject Group S 6.05. 
Abteilung und Luftbildmessung und -interpretation, Universitat Freiburg, 
78 Freiburg, Erbprinzenstr. 17a Bundesrepublik Deutschland. p. 551-569. 
Canadian Forestry Service. 1975. Annual report of the Forest Insect and 
Disease Survey, 1974. Canada Dept. Environment, Ottawa, 109 p. 
Ciesla, W.M. 1974. Forest insect damage from high altitude color-IR photos. 
Photogram. Engin. 40(6):683-689. 
Ciesla, W.M. M.M. Furniss, M.D. McGregor and W.E. Bousfield. 1971. Evaluation 
of Douglas-fir beetle infestations in the North Fork Clearwater River 
Drainage - Idaho 1971. U.S. Forest Serv. Insect & Disease Survey Report 
No. 71-46. Missoula, Montana. 15 p. 
De Mars, C.J., J. Caylor, B. Ewing and P. Rauch. 1974. Estimating cause and 
pattern of insect killed trees from aerial photographs. In Warren, W.G. 
ed. 1974. Statistics in Forestry Research. Proc. IUFRO Subject group 
5.6.02. Vancouver, Canada. pp. 37-47. 
Harris, J.W.E. 1974. Small-scale imagery in forest pest surveys in British 
Columbia. The Canadian Surveyor 28(2):155-161. 
Kenneweg, H. 1973. Interpretation von Luftaufnahmen fiir die Erforschung und 
Gestaltung von vegetationsbestanden in Westdeustchen Ballungsraumen. In 
Hildebrandt, G. (editor). 1973. Proc. Symp. IUFRO S 6.05. Universitit 
Freiburg. pp. 87-115. 
Leuschner, W.A. and C.M. Newton. 1974. Benefits of forest insect control. 
Bull. Ent. Soc. Amer. 20:223-227. 
Murtha, P.A. 1972. A guide to airphoto interpretation of forest damage in 
Canada. Environment Canada, Can. Forestry Service. Public. No. 1292. 
63 p. 
Murtha, P.A. 1973. Spruce budworm damage in Fundy National Park, New Brunswick. 
Environment Canada, Can. For. Serv. Forest Mgmt. Inst., Can. Nat. Park 
Survey Rep. #6. 30 p. 
Murtha, P.A. 1976. Inventory and monitoring of forest diseases and damages by 
remote sensing - Considerations about promising ways to do it. Invited 
Paper. IUFRO Congress, Oslo, Norway. June 23, 1976. Subject group S 6.05. 
12 p. In Press. 

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