Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

In Gemma Frisius' (Dutchman) "De radio astronomico et 
geometrico liber" the dark-room drawing appeared for 
the first time. There had been some references, about 
it, some hundred years ago. 
A mention regarding the use of a convex lens in the 
dark-room is made Midi 
Jacopo Chimenti da Empoli makes a pair of stereoscopio 
Galileo Galilei learns about the telescope discovery. 
After a year, he made his own "Optical tube"- later 
known as Galileo's telescope — hawing a looo x magni- 
fying power, 
Thévenot makes the air-bubble level. 
M.A.Cappeler (Swissman) makes a map for Pilat mountain, 
using some images drawn on the ground. 
J.H,Schultze, known as the father of the photographie 
chemistry, presents his researches on the silver ni- 
trate blackening under the light influence to the  Im- 
perial Academy, in Nürnberg. 
The German mathematician, Johan Heinrich Lambert, in 
his book "Perspectiva liber" laid the mathematical 
loundauions of the perspective construction, dealing 
with the space resection, for the first time. 
Frederich William Herschel finds the existance of the 
infrared radiations of the electromagnetic spectrum 
(0.780 /^— 1.06004). Using a thermometer and a prism, 
he finds a thermal energy beyond the red zone of & 
visible spectrum. 
J.W.Ritter descovers the ultraviolet zone of the elec- 
tromagnetic spectrum (0.004 H - 0.2580). He finde that 
beyond the violet zone of a visible spectrum, made by 
& prism, brings about a chemical action. 
ln his experiments ~ to be continued by other people - 
thomas Young finds that similar to energy in the visi- 
ble and infrared zones, the energy in the ultraviolet 
zone haste electromagnetic wave properties. 
N.J.Niépce gets the first photography (positive image). 
Lxposure time —- 8 hours. He is considered as the photo- 
graphy inventor. 

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