Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

near Versailles, À lié, ec ¢ scale map was made. Practi- 
sally a f 1ototeodolite was achieved. 
1350 Octonber,15. The photographer J.W.Black, using Prof. 
S.4.81ing!? alloon, makes Boston's aerial photography, 
on a wet collodion plate, at 400 m height above the 
Earth (the oldest progenvod aerial photography  - The 
Congress Library, the United States). 
à Mémoire sur l'emploi de la pho- 
e POS SR plans et spécialement dans 
Anc taires', in Paris. 
13€ Ses a balloon in military observa- 
à War in the United States, 
Li 2 
ce's mountain zone maps, using 
anaetric methods, 
- * * . - ^ 
^c cs cti ad e! 
U Qd. dii D U e. aho C ee 
e e 1362 In Madrid, Che Science AC ade 8 ny , awardes A.Laussedat's 
für if NAS WN fe be ba 5 ys c TI " 
WOrA regarain;s uno pi hot ogra pa iy use in ma Ap comp ilaui JONSe 
; be v^ 1 md AA ey 4 a 2 ^ 
S6; beri abe BP is officially accepted as a method 
lor topographical map compilations, 
uy 7l x £3 PN Md mue dr " fon Ton Jl a p^ | NM a t 2 - Y^ dq . 
LCI) 2 A e lu N denDbauier dDases vong DLE puo Uu o5rammne vor 5 Dnaving an 
norigzonval circolo, 
T7 ^^ T» n à m Im et "y^ C = vy £ 1" £ 
C La i. Q A Q i + J fA P a ASS x phot 5 1 Qr UR Ola U 39r + 
1367 Within the exhibition, held in Paris, A.Laussedat exhi- 
jus a Ii ERDE 4 and a map of Paris, using measu- 
NUS Made on 1000! graphs. 
1371 Richard Leech Maddox invents the dry photographic ola- 
/ ; Iv k e 
3 by gelatine emulsions. 
L375 Herman Vogel finds out that emulsion sensitivity can by 
prea ; larper wave lengts, introducing some substan- 
k 33 
nazio Porro died (born in 1801). Together with Carl 
3 (1884-1910), he established "Porro-Koppe principle? 
A3 /4 The dry photosrraphic plates are manufactured on a large 
+ wv A J ~ E de 
scale, in Great Britain. Soon after, it will be brought 
. x mx. ; : A y, Kam Pv dem 3 CN 4. 
OULU dud NXE A HIC Ad Y and Uno Uni LOG ol & ve C3. 
dr f^^ ^ 7 i Md (^ Va + * Y yw 4 7 \ ^ } CA 10g j nn [+ ^^t cat 1 + 
Professor W.Jordan coups ie s the Gassr-Dacl oasis topo- 
hie map, in Libya desert, using terrestrial  phobo- 
i [3 4 Y | dn» là le Ah «y rate 3 : I: c | Tor 
WAY L1 Foau Ll'LLALN, was Ger De WVOOUDUTY Bgous U pa tent for 
T : Le are tas À \ Hem : iv hall ad  ] ie Aa ya !! 1 
automated system used in balloon pnovographiy em- 
loylng ary püouvOo3rapnic pilaucs, 
1279 1:13 { A4 l3 42 01 vy Án Pag | 11:1 iO? £3 i nal Y ""Paphnic (^ £3. 
ia fp LAD De LÀ „9 s NieA. A. AL 00ulcgu iu Lo À piiOQuOr atr C anu ca 
mera on the free balloon basket and makes aerial photo- 
e c graphs, having vertical axis and at 500 m height above 
Lhe martin. 

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