Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

Santoni makes his plotter used in military purposes, Stereo- 
simplex, model I, having mechanical projection. 
Orthophotoscope, just a slight different version of Gallus- 
Ferber plotter, model B, is made up. 
Within the Congress of the International Society for Pnoto- 
grammetry, in Paris, Nistri presents his Photostereograph, 
model Alpha,as a result of his investigations during 1930- 
C.F.Baeschlin and M, Zeller! 8 book "Lehrbuch der Stereopho- 
togranmetrie"” is published. 
The American Society for Photogrammetry is established, In 
1975, there will be 6,200 members. : 
July,26. E.H,Thompson presents the model of an automated 
piotter for aerial photographs, | 
Zeiss SGtereoplanigraph, model C 5, is made up; it will be, 
also,vemy muchusolafter the Second World War. C 6 model does 
not show important differences. 
H.Wild makes a new stereoplotters universal Autograph,model 
A D. The mechanical projection system is used instead of 
Porro-Koppe principle. 
Wide angle projectors are used in the Multiplex Aeroprojeoc- 
tor, manufactured in Carl Zeiss Jena. 
In Leipzig, Kurt Schwidefsky publishes the first edition of 
his book "Grundriss der Photogrammetrie". In 1965, the 6th 
edition will be published. . 
Decomber,21. Charles W.Collier gets a a patent for his dis- 
covery "Method and Equipment Used in "Map Compilation"- the 
stereotemplet triangulation with slotted templets. 
Wild automated aerial camera, model RC 5, using film (for. 
18 x 18 cm photograph size) is made up. 
Poivilliers Stereotopograph, model B, is made up.For a long 
time, it is the most used stereoplotter, in France .BP model 
will be manufactured from 1945 till 1960. 
Stereocomparator, model F, is made up. 
September, The Fifth Congress of the International Society 
for Photogrammetry is held in Rome. 
Russar 19 photogrammetric lens (98 mm, 116.3, 104 9) begins 
to be manufactured in serial production. - 
Wild Autograph, model À 6 - a II order stereoplotter - is 
made up using Berchtold's project, Its patent is got in Ju- 
ly. This plotter will be manufactured till 1952, 
Zeiss Photorectifiers, models SEG I and SEG IV, are made up. 
Richard Finsterwalder publishes the first edition of his 
book "Photogrammetrie", The third edition will be published 
in 1968, Walther Hofmann being the co-author, 
e S 

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