Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

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943, 1953 
gress 1954 
L of 
of 1958 
o @ 15° 
Zeiss Photheo 19/1518 Phototheodolite and 1818 Stereocompa- 
rator are manufactured. 
Wild RC 8 aerial survey cameras are manufactured. 
Russel K.Bean makes the first Orthophotoscope, 
The orthophoto map compilation technique is used, for the 
first time, in the U.S.Geological Survey. 
Alwill Buchholtz, 74 years of age, publishes his book "Pho- 
togrammetrie.Verfahren und Geräte", in Berlin (GDR). 
A new model of Zeiss Jena Stereoplanigraph C 5 is made up, 
without essential changes. 
In the direct double-projection stereoplotters, the manu- 
facteres use the universal pantographs. 
In the United States there are 25 firms conoerned witn the 
serial photography, having and using 158 airplanes, 261 
aerial cameras, 277 Stereoplotters with & 9 million total 
July,l7-26. The VIIIth Congress of the International Socie- 
ty for Photogrammetry takes place in piis 
Bertele makes Wild Super -Aviogon 208. super wide angle 
1ens)(88,5 mm, 23 x 23 cm, 5,6, 12 
DRM 100/1318 Askania photogrammetric camera is made up; a 
single camera is used as a phototheodolite and twin-camèras 
are used as a stereometric camera. 
Carl Zeiss Jena 1318 Stereoautograph is made up, being the 
up-to- -dat 2e type of von Orel's Stereoautograph from 1908, 
Nistri Photostereograph, model Beta 2, is made up. 
Wild RC 9 aerial survey camera is made up. 
In Delft, H.G.Jerie develops aerial triangulation block 
adjustment, using analogio computers. 
U.V.Helava develops the 4nalytical Plotter principle. Later 
on, AP/l and AP/2 versiors will be made for military purpo- 
ses and AP/C version wili be made for civil purpose. 
G.L.Hobrough invents and adjusts the image correlator, the 
basic device of the automated plotters, The first instru- 
ment was called Stereomat. 
Wild Autograph, model A 9, is made up. 
S.D.Drobyshev's Stereograph, used in medium soale aerial 
photograph plotting, is made up in the Soviet Union.There 
are three models: SD l, SD 2 and SD 3. 
Wild Photorectifier, model E 5, is made up. Manufacturers 
begin to make Wild Aviographs, models B 8 and B 9. 
Octomber,7. The Soviet spacecraft Lunik 3 takes photographs 
of the back side of the Moon's surface (30 pictures). 

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