Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

There is the very outset of aerial photographs use, obtained 
with super wide angle aerial cameras. 
Considering the first achievements in 1974, Zeiss Oberkochen 
SMK 40 and Sik 120 stereometric cameras are designed again, 
using the modern technique. 
September. The IXth Congress of the International Society 
for Photogranmetry is held in London. 
Wild Aviograph, model B 9, is marketed. 
Carl Zeiss Jena Stereometrograph, model D, a mechanical pro- 
jection plotter, is manufactured. 
S.H.Spurr's book i bi and Photointerpretation" is 
published in New Xork. 
Santoni Stereosimplex, model II 8, just & little simplified, 
is nanufactured. 
À .Buchholtz publishe s his’ book "Photogranmetrie" second cai @ 
tion, in Berlin (GDR) . The first edition was published in 
i9* 4. t i + 
Bertil Hallert's book "Photogrammetry" is published in New 
Tno second model of the Orthophotoscope, which Bean made in 
di dion ls exhibited within IS5P Congress, held in London. 
> models PG l and PG 2, are exhibited 
he uxhibition, in London. 
ographic Interpretation" of the American So- 
ranmetry is published. - 
¢lety for Photog 
January, Sl. Tne Lirst space color photography of the Earth 
is made, within Mercury programme, 
The AP/1 Analytical Plotter is made in Ottico Meccanica 
Italiana (Rome) in cooperation wich Bendix Corporation oe- e 
troit), using U.V.Helava" S concept and patent. / 
Otto Laemann died (born in 1387). : 
Carl Fridolin Baeschlin died (born in 1881). 
Stereomat, nodel III, is manufactured in the United States, 
Umberto Nist 
truotor of p 
ri died (born in 1895), he is known as a cons- 
hotogramueuric equipment (Photocartograph-1919, 
graph, model Alpha and Beta - 1924-1956 etc.). 
Octombe 05,28, Richard Finsterwalder died (born in 1898) ,tea- 
cher of geodesy and photograumetry. 
K,Schwidw£sky" s book "Grundriss der Photogrammetrie" the 
sixth edition is published in Stuttgart. The other editions 
were published ins 19356, 1929, 1942, 1950 and 1954. There 
were also editions in foreign languagess Japanese in 1939, 
Spanish in 1943 and 1960, English in 1959, Turkish in 1961. 
Ihompson-Watts plotter is made up. | © 

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