Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

It is hoped to initiate this work in the near future so 
that preliminary results may be input to the OII definition 
phase of the Land Applications Satellite System Study. 
Note: A more detailed description of this work can be found 
in the Proceedings of the Second General Assembly of 
5.5 Satellite System Phase A Studies 
In May 1978, two calls for tender were issued by ESA 
relating to Phase A studies of 
- à Land Applications Satellite System; 
- a Coastal Oceans Monitoring Satellite System. 
The main objectives of the studies are, in each case 
- to establish a feasible Baseline System concept, the 
main elements of which will be 
the payloads as specified in section 5.1 above; 
an Ariane-compatible platform (specification provided 
to contractors); 
a ground segment (based on an extension of Earthnet 
for the European coverage zone); 
- to establish development and cost plans for the implied 
programme assuming the launch of a first experimental/ 
pre-operational satellite around the mid-1980s; 
- to identify critical areas in the overall system develop- 
ment and in sub-systems technology, and to provide 
recommendations for the definition of an appropriate 
Supporting Research and Technology Plan; 
- to identify the necessary growth potential in order to 
fulfill the mission requirements (see section 2) to the 
greatest possible extent, and to develop a follow-on 
programme plan relating to the evoluation of the system 
It is planned to initiate both studies in late August/ 
early September 1978. 
The payload of each satellite, as discussed earlier, 
will contain an Optical Imaging Instrument (OIT) and a 
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), the instrument specifications 
being different for each mission. If feasible, the Coastal 
Oceans Monitoring payload may also contain an Imaging Micro- 
wave Radiometer (IMR). Whereas the OII(s) and IMR definitions

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