Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

will. form major elements of the system studies, the required 
specifications of the SARs (plus costing and SRT plan data) 
will be drawn from the Phase A studies discussed in 5.2 above. 
Further study inputs will be provided from the solar array 
studies (5.3 above). 
The interim results from these system studies should be 
available by the end of the year, and the final results by 
the end of the first quarter of 1979. These results will 
represent a key element in the preparation of the proposal 
for a European Remote Sensing Satellite Programme that ESA 
will be presenting to its Member States in early 1979. 
The preceding sections have outlined the main European 
interest and objectives in spaceborne remote sensing, and have 
described the actions (Earthnet, Spacelab experiments) and 
studies presently underway or planned which should lead to the 
implementation of a European remote sensing satellite programme 
by the mid-1980s. 
It seems clear that Europe and, indeed, the rest of the 
world with their increasing requirements for accurate and 
timely information on the Earth's resources and environment 
need the new data that can be supplied by remote sensing 
satellites. Although many problems still need to be resolved 
concerning the use of the data and the technical elements to 
be developed, it is firmly believed that Europe has the 
experience and capability to overcome them. Perhaps the 
greatest challenge we face in incorporating this new tech- 
nology into our daily lives is the more abstract one of 
convincing Europe that she cannot afford to abstain from 
making her proper contribution to this original and exciting 
global activity. 

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