Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

were reconstituted according to the schematic in Figure 6. The 
spectral response of photographs similar to Kodak Aerochrome MS, 
Type 2448 (a color positive film) for example, can be simulated by 
reproducing a black and white film positive from each of the blue, 
green, and red multispectral negatives (steps 1 and 2, Figure 6,. 
The blue, green, and red positives are then projected on the viewing 
screen through the appropriate filters, i.e., the blue image through 
the blue filter, etc., (step 3, Figure 6). Similarly, the response 
of Kodak Infrared Aerographic film (Type 2424, black and white IR) 
exposed through a red No. 25 Wratten filter can be simulated by super- 
imposition of the red and IR multiband images on the viewer Screen 
without filtration. With the four multispectral images in the viewer, 
the image interpreter can simulate the response of a large number of 
film and film/filter combinations by selecting the proper viewer 
channels and filtration (Table 2). 
Resultant Multispectral 
Standard Sensitivity Filter Spectral Channels 
Film Type Range (nm) Cut-Off (nm) Range (nm) Required 
Plus X 350-700 Yellow (15) 500-700 Green, Red 
Aerographic 500 
Type 2402 
Infrared 350-900 Red (25) 580-900 Red, IR 
Aerographic 580 
Type 2424 
Aerochrome MS 400-700 Clear (UV) 400-700 Blue, Green, 
Type 2448 400 Red 
Aerochrome 400-850 Yellow (15) 500-850 Green, Red, 
Infrared 500 IR 
Type 2443 
Certainly color aerial photography is not needed in every phase 
of a course designed to train image interpreters in the art of ob- 
taining information from photography. In the commercial world, most 
demands for photogrammetric measurements can be met by cartographic 
or metric quality panchromatic photography. Similarly, objects or 
terrain features that can be detected and identified from either their 
physical characteristics, location, or their contextural relationships 
to other features do not require color photography. Species of vege- 
tation, soil type, soil moisture relationships, and certain rock

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