Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

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The method might even be extended to include the sandwich 
equidensity technique 3 . 
4, The reseau grid marks recorded on MKF-6 photos permit to 
orient component photos on the MSP-4 projector screen 
extremely fast and much more exactly than by object contours. 
The reseau grid marks provided in the film plane of the 
MKF-6 are exposed on each component photo together with 
the scene and then used for orientation on the MSP-4, 
Composite pictures produced from three component photos 
testify to the excellent definition of the cross marks 
as well as of the overall image (Fig, 9). This is beoause 
the optical axes of the channels are parallel within better 
than 10", calibrated focal lengths differ by less than 5 pm, 
shutters operate synchronously within 1 %, and positioning 
of component photos in the MSP-4 is highly exact, 
2. The design ooncept of the MSP-4 Multispectral Projector 
allows to precisely compose colour presentations from 
imagery obtained with other cameras. 
The specifications of the MSP-4 (Fig. 2) permit to project 
other frame sizes than that of the MKF-6 and to record the 
resulting piotures with the reflex camera or photocassette, 
Composite colour presentations oan thus be prepared, for 
example, from Landsat or Skylab imagery (Fig. 10). The 
MSP-4 has sufficient freedom of adjustment to achieve re- 
gistration between component photos taken with less con- 
&ruence than that of the MKF-6, although colour fringing 
at image details may then oceur. 
6, MKF-6 photos permit to locate interpreted detail to a 
high accuracy and to derive geometrical data. 
This fact is explained by the performance parameters speci- 
fied in Fig. 1. Together with camera stabilization, for- 
ward motion compensation and less than 3 pm radial distor- 
tion, these parameters ensure a high photographic and 
geometric precision of the photos. Hence, MKF-6 photos are 
not only suitable for ROT totom but also for photo- 
grammetry, Each of the MKF—6's six individual cameras 
conforms to the conditions of a metrio camera, with speci- 
fied data on calibrated focal length, principal point 
position and reseau grid marks in the film plane. The 
original black-&-white MKF-6 photos may be used for photo- 
grammetric oompilation either directly on plotters of 
125 mm focal length or, after transformation, on any plot- 
ter, Aerotriangulation, mapping and map revision (Fig. 11) 
from satellite photography is presently carried out for 
scales of 1:100,000 Or smaller 5 . 

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