Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

7. The use of the MKF-6 in aircraft opens up economical | 
possibilities for compiling complete thematic_maps_at | 
medium topographic mapscalese | 
The MKF-6 is designed also for use in aircraft up to high 
altitudes (Fig. 11). It may also be used side by side with 
conventional aerial eameras, The forward motion compensa- 
tion, primarily required for use in spacecraft, is fully 
effective also with aircraft missions at flying speeds of 
200 km/h at heights up to 3 km, and 600 km/h at up to 
10 km, for example, so that high detail visibility on 
these photos is ensured. The first practical work with 
photos taken through the six channels of the MKF-6 
(Fig. 12) from an altitude of 6.1 km and having a scale 
originally of 1 : 50,000 included topographic and thematic 
mapping together with multispectral interpretation. This 
should be a most economical approach especially for de-— 
veloping nations or such countries where both thematic and 
topographic maps need to be revised. 
These first applications, although just the beginning of 
a more comprehensive use of the MKF-6 and MSP-4, suggest 
the broad variety of possible uses of JENA's multispectral 
1 COLVOCORESSES, A. Po: Proposed Parameters for an 
Operational Landsat, Photogr. Engine. and Remote 
Sensing, Vol. 43 (1977) 9. 
2 Team of authors: Möglichkeiten der Auswertung von 
Bildausschnitten kosmischer MKF-6-Aufnahmen. Mittlg. 
des Method. Diagnostischen Zentrums für Fernerkundung 
am Zentralinst. für Physik der Erde der AdW der DDR, 
Postdam 1978. 
3 Team of authors: Zur Synthese interpretationsgerechter 
Farbbilder aus MKF-6-Multispektralaufnahmen mit dem 
Farbmischprojektor MSP-4, Mittlg. des Method. Diag- 
nostischen Zentrums für Fernerkundung am Zentral- 
institut für Physik der Erde der AdW der DDR, Pots- 
dam 1978. 
4 Lure, I. Ko. et al.: Digital methods of evaluating 
satellite videoinformation in thematic mapping. 
Geografiya, Moscow 31 (1976) 1, p. 25-30 (in Russian). 
5 SZANGOLIES, K.: Rationalization of Map Production and 
Map Revision with Modern Automated and Digitized 
Photogrammetric Instruments and Technologies. Sepa- 
rate, Jena 1977. 
6 ZICKLER, A.: Design and Technical Parameters of the 
MKF-6 Multispectral Camera and the Multispectral 
Projector, Separate, Internat. Symposium on Remote 
Sensing of Environment, Manila 1978.

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