Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

1, 2, 4, 7, 9 Jenoptik Jena GmbH; 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 4ca- 
demy of Sciences, Potsdam; 11, 12 Mapping and Photo- 
grammetry Centre, Leipzig. 
Reproduction of the colour photos would require excessive 
technical outlay, so that only Figs. l and 2 are presen- 
ted here (black & white). The author will gladly show 
the originals of the other photos mentioned in the text 
to interested visitors. 
Fig. 1 MKF-6 Multispectral Camera 
Focal length: 
Frame size: 
Radial distortion: 
Resolving power: 
Film width: 
Film capacity, min: 
Colour filters: 
~ Centroid wavelength: 
—- Half widths: 
f-numbers, 8 steps: 
Shutter speeds, 7 steps: 
Motion compensation: 
Data records: 
125 mm 
56 mm x 80 mm 
+ 3 um 
160 BR im (filmtype 18) 
70 mm 
1250 frames 
480, 540, 600, 660, 720, 840 nm 
40 — 100 nn 
4/150 - 1/18 s 
17 — 40 mrad/s 
20, 60, 80 % 
grey scale, reseau grid marks 

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