Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

*T3167 - 
The results of the test flights do not require any corrective pre- 
processing, as, for instance, modification of the level and contrast 
intensification, and prove to be satisfactory. Picture 11 shows one 
of these first opto-electronical pictures. 
Thanks to this new technology - which supplies digital image data for 
computer processing immediately without scanning photographic pictures 
- it will be possible in future to open up new fields of work in remote 
sensing and photogrammetry to solve problems more easily and to offer 
new perspectives for evaluation equipment. 
Hofmann, O.: Electro-Optical Scanner (EOS) for Remote Sensing, Symposium 
for Image Processing, Technische Universität Graz, Okt .1977 
Hofmann, O.: Elektro-optische Bildaufnahme, Technische Akademie 
Esslingen, Febr. 1978 
Hofmann, O.: Mikroprozessoren im kartographischen und photogrammetri- 
Schen Instrumentenbau, BuL 3/78, p. 87-98 
Fairchild-Semiconductor CCD 121 and CCD 131 Design Development 
Board Brochures. 

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