Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Referring LE PH M 
to a multi- P du e t, 1 
spectral 0 f s ur. d n 
digital [J ; fo 
image as a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 COLUMNS 
mensional D] 
array. 1 
4 [^ 7 
e ii 
Y rows / LINES 
Under PODIUM each tupel consisting of a valid row/line 
number and a valid band number characterizes an image 
data record,called BCL-record,as each of its elements 
depends on the parameters band, column and line. 
Expanding this naming after dependence makes most of 
Fig. 3. self-explanatory. The purpose of this figure 
is not to explain record structures but only to sketch 
the spatial relationship upon annotating. The following 
paragraphs enter into details. 
The types of information above the image data in Fig. 3. 
have been designed for annotating globally as follows: 
HDR Header 
0D Origin description if image is merged 
U Unchanged information from source 
SR Selected information ready for use 
H History of analysis 
S Statistical results 
Image segmentation-oriented auxiliary information

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