Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

It is obvious that such a simple referencing mechanism 
may be regarded as a satisfactory solution to the third 
requirement stated in section 1. 
9. Implementation 
Doubting the quality of transferable allround software 
for the manipulation of millions of pixels was one of 
the stimuli to conceiving PODIUM as can be seen from 
the fifth objective in section 1. 
PODIUM requires an individual installation on every 
different manufacturer's computer. This should be per- 
formed by a real computer specialist engaging him at 
most one year. A first installation is working on the 
UNIVAC 1100/81 in the computer center of the University 
of Freiburg under FIPS, i.e. Freiburg's Image Processing 
Naturally the structure of such installations will vary 
and hence cannot in general be described. But what can 
be said is that 
- a programmer who has to deal with PODIUM may regard 
it as a single subroutine, 
- with respect to 
- program segmentation, 
- reentrency and 
- 1/0 optimization 
the main storage allocation for all data has to be 
performed by the rferencing program, 
- it is recommended to have PODIUM within a larger 
program system and to make it upon communicating 
with users behave like the system does. 
10. Acknowledgements 
The development of PODIUM is part of a spectral signature 
research project subsidied by the Deutsche Forschungs- 
The UNIVAC 1100/81 implementation of PODIUM in Freiburg 
has been achieved in cooperation with Hr. cand. math. 
S. Giesler who wrote very intelligent software for the 

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