would also show up within large fields. Lodging and moisture stress
could impact the homogeneity of field signatures, and often cause the
spectral response to vary within fields,
A special case of non-homogeneous fields is strip cropping, fig 10 a,b.
Within a particular area there will be an organized structure between
two or more surface conditions. The field itself can be 1dentified by
strip widtn and length, orientation of strips and strip width and
lengtn, orientation of strips and strip offsets from other fields.
Inspite of the many fields which can exist in an area they can contain
the same crop. If there are many different crops, the fields will
have a multitude of different spectral responses. When the fields
are similar, 40-50 distinct and homogeneous fields can easily be
distributed between 5-8 crops, e.g wheat, barley, flax, corn, and
rye. What cannot be seen with only one acquisition is the field
history. The acquisitions might have to cover several crop years
before the field history is identified. Crop analysts are particularly
interested in which crops are grown in the fields during previous
years. This will give a clue as to what will be planted in the
current year and the following year.
A.2 Processing Considerations
There exists certain limitations on the range of characteristics
which the different fields can take. The decision three Figure |,
gives several paradoxial modes. There are only three conflicting
situations. If there is a field structure the fields have to be
few or many, but there cannot be no fields. The terms few and many
are completely subjective, the author will consider few as béing less
than 20 fields in a sample segment. If there are many fields within
a fixed size area then the fields cannot be large. The converse can
be true, there can be few small fields, but if the fields are of
pixel size a definite field structure is lost in the resolution.
This is true even if there are a larger number of pixels which
were not grouped together, but are interspersed with native vegetation.
In the case where there are many pixel size fields and they dominate
small pockets in the segment scene, then one can consider it to be
similar to a no field structure situation.
In Figure 1 there are 52 possible decisions of which 2 equal branches
are identical, and that is the two ways of processing a segment,
highly automated or a more manually oriented process. There exists
26 different field characteristic combinations in each of the two
primary branches. Each of the 52 ways of processing have been given
a maximum 7 letter code, Each letter corresponds to a level of a
decision point or a processing consideration. Figure 2 outlines the
coding method. The first and left most letter reflects if the area
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