Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

experience as the coordinator of IUFRO Division 4, I know very 
well that your Subject Group and also ISP are not only extremely 
active units but also very successful ones. Therefore, I am sure 
that the meeting at Freiburg will contribute again a lot to the 
further development of forestry and land use management. Many 
research workers in forestry are looking forward to learn from 
you new results and better tools for improvement in forestry 
and land use management. 
Besides your professional work during the sessions, I hope you 
will have some time to get acquainted with the nice old town of 
Freiburg which has a very old forestry tradition and also with 
the environments. All the best for your meeting, thank you very 
Ladies and Gentlemen, 
It is a pleasure for me to be here and I am sure for all of the 
foresters and IUFRO participants to take advantage of the en- 
vironments of Freiburg. On behalf of IUFRO Subject Group 6.05, 
Remote Sensing: Willkommen, bienvenido, bienvenu and welcome. 
As I mentioned, IUFRO is made up primarily of foresters. So 
what is IUFRO doing here with ISP? I think, as Dr.Speidel has 
mentioned, we hope to gain much by this international exchange. 
As you may see in your program, we have combined IUFRO papers 
and ISP papers into one group. There is no separation of IUFRO 
and ISP during this meeting. We thought this would be more 
Now I would like to spend a few minutes describing something 
about IUFRO. So just bear with me a moment. How is IUFRO organized? 
There are six divisions dealing entirely with different subject 
matters. This will be shown in your schedule, so I will not go 
into detail (see also page iv). Remote Sensing falls under 
Division 6 "the general subjects". The coordinator of IUFRO 
Division 6, Director Jean Pardé will be here on Friday to talk 
to you also. Within the general subjects we have several permanent 
Subject Groups such as statistical methods and biometry, infor- 
mation systems, training and research works and also the remote 
sensing group. There are three of us serving on this Remote 
Sensing Subject Group, Myself, Prof.Dr.Hildebrandt and Prof. 
Stellingwerf and you will notice that we are also engaged in 
ISP. In the same way there are several chairmen of ISP Working 
of Project Groups being member of the IUFRO Subject Group as 
f.e. besides Prof.Dr.Hildebrandt and myself, Prof.Murtha and 
Dr.Sayn-Wittgenstein, Dr.Kenneweg and Dr.Singh. So that there 
is much interfacing of the disciplines of forestry and ISP. Well 
this is how IUFRO happens to be federating these sessions with 
IUFRO will have an International Congress as ISP do but ours 
occurs every five years instead of four years. The last IUFRO 
World Congress was in Oslo 1976 and I would encourage any of you 
who would like to go to Asia, to Tokyo in 1981. You may have an 
opportunity to travel to Tokyo. Thank you. 

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