location and thus are distributed in space at random a noisy
image is produced.
5. Comments on the Image Outputs
Figures 2, 3, #, and 5, 6, 7 refer to the areas ^ and 2. The
letters a - f correspond to the channel combinations 4e 5,
Ho, 4a 7, 506, 597, eT.
6. Conelusion, Outlook
With some selected examples it was intended to demonstrate
how desired information on linear dependencies can be ob-
tained by means of an appropriate combination of simple time-
saving procedures. E.g. the computing time on the large ca-
pacity computer TR 440 of the "Gesellschaft für Mathematik
und Datenverarbeitung (GMD)" (Society for Mathematics and
Data Processing) at Darmstadt amounted to 2 minutes each for
the areas 1 and 2 with 86 400 pixels each, while for the
area 3 with 1.6 millions pixels 20 minutes were spent. It is
planned to apply this procedure also to test the colour sep-
aration qualities of the scanning system P 1700 (of the Pho-
togrammetry Division of the "Institut für Angewandte Geodä-
sie (IfAG)" (Institute for Applied Geodesy).
7. Acknowledgement
Finally, I want to thank Mr. Knaus (Wissenschaftlicher Ober-
rat in the IfAG) for the establishment of the computer pro-
gram used for this examination.
8. Bibliography
[1] Niemann, H.: Methoden der Mustererkennung, P.147 ff.
Frankfurt 1974
ro] Wolf, H. : Ausgleichungsrechnung nach der Methode
der kleinsten Quadrate, p.!19 ff.
Bonn 1968