Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

filtering, 8.5.0. 
The more efficient methods rectificate the image data by 
using the exact relations between image and terrain coordi- 
nates (collinearity equations) and describe the time de- 
pendent variation of the exterior orientation parameters of 
the sensor in a more or less rigorous way. Up to now mainly 
polynomials or Fourier functions were used for that purpose. 
The unknown polynomial or Fourier coefficients are estimated 
by a least squares adjustment using a sufficient number of 
control. points. 
In 1976 a general model was suggested by H. Ebner /1/ which 
starts from the collinearity equations as well, but des- 
cribes the variation of the exterior orientation parameters 
in a new way. It considers that this variation is caused by 
the dynamic reaction of the airplane on air turbulences and 
by the piloting system. Both together cause, that the de- 
viations Aw, A$, AK, aX o» AY 4» AZ, of the airplane from the 
nominal values don't increase with time, but remain within 
certain (time independent) boundaries. 
In 1976 stationary stochastic processes , for instance first order 
Gauss Markov processes (GMP) have been considered as a suitable 
model for describing the mentioned variations by time, par- 
ticularly because of their assymptotically time independent 
variance. In the meantime the model has been extended to a 
mixed order GMP. Empirical investigations however have 
shown, that the second order GMP, a special case of the 
general mixed order GMP, is the most suitable one to de- 
scribe the variation of the exterior orientation parameters 
(for further information see /27). 
The second order GMP is a stationary stochastic process. In 
discrete formulation it can be desribed by the following 

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