Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

The mathematical model represented in chapter two can 
successfully be used for digital rectification. To recon- 
struct the unknown exterior orientation parameters a least 
squares adjustment is formulated with two groups of obser- 
vation equations according to equations (5) and (6). Each 
control point leads to two observation equations of the 
following type: 
0 3 o 9 9 9 
N XS o Yo ea i * 
| 9X3 9X; 9 Xi 9X; 
| = Au, + s. A rgo CN. t cuc AX k + 
| eri an. rig axi ALCUN (7a) 
| ay k o; al: o» 
| 0, o,k 
| a o o 9 0 
| i * yao SB E oF, od, 0 
| Yi ay, yi yi 
— ^ Auk + 5 Ad + o AK, + oi. AX k + 
30; de. "Kr roc aX os 
k Pk k o,k 
alat e MAT (7b 
4x. kt 7g Moxc yi ) 
T , 32 , 
o,k o,k 
Equations (7) are derived from equations (5) by Taylor 
extensions. Vxá and Vy; are the residuals of the image 
coordinates x and y which are assumed as the observations 
of the adjustment. 
Interpreting the n, as fictitious observations of amount

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