Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

instances, the problem was one of omission rather than dupli- 
cation. um 
Each of the other commissions of the International Society for Spec 
Photogrammetry (ISP), having been formed many years earlier, had Inte 
solved such problems primarily through (1) the appointment of em 
reporters from each of the countries most active in that aspect 1. T 
of photogrammetry with which the commission was concerned; (2) t 
the publication of pertinent articles, papers, and newsworthy 
information in Photogrammetria, the official publication of the Shor 
ISP; (3) the organizing and presenting of international symposia ment 
once every four years as part of the quadrennial meeting of the thro 
ISP; and (4) the publication of a very complete and prestigious time 
record of the proceedings of those quadrennial meetings of their (mor 
commission. For each such commission it was common practice that duty 
the Commission's president and vice-president for any given four- who. 
year period be appointed from two of the countries that currently offi 
were most active in work of the type dealt with by the Commission. exe 
All of those highly desirable attributes have been emulated by GTVT 
Commission VII from the very time of its formation and it is recs 
primarily for this reason that my paper, dealing as it does with with 
progress in photo interpretation in the past quarter century, fore 
indirectly constitutes a tribute to the activities of Commission agri 
VII since its founding in 1952. vidu 
One aspect of the above claim merits a closer examination, namely (b) 
that pertaining to some very substantial progress brought about been 
by an activity that seemingly did not involve Commission VII, i.e., virt 
preparation throughout the 1950's and publication in 1960, of the aeri 
previously-mentioned Manual of Photographic Interpretation. It is diti 
true that the Manual of Photographic Interpretation was nominally mech 
a product of the American Society of Photogrammetry. As one recog- the 
nizes the strong international flavor of that manual, however, he info 
would do well to remind himself that (1) since the American Society natu 
of Photogrammetry is a very active member of ISP, it is primarily anal 
through that tie that its international liaison is accomplished wore 
and the (2) more specifically, on matters pertaining to preparation expe 
of the Manual of Photo Interpretation, this liaison is achieved of t 
inter-workings between the Committee on Photo Interpretation of usua 
the American Society of Photogrammetry and Commission VII of the phot 
ISP. Hopefully I will be forgiven if I seem to speak with undue 
authority and conviction on this particular aspect of international The 
liaison, inasmuch as I not only was Editor-in-Chief of the Manual sens 
of Photo Interpretation but was also (throughout the period when ide 
most of that manual was being prepared) was President of Commission mann 
VII of the ISP. In summary, therefore, the following is apparent life 
with respect to my theme of "25 years of progress in photo inter- 
pretation under Commission VII": Preparation of the Manual of as a 
Photographic Interpretation - an item which many photo interpre- Le a 
ters still regard as the greatest single item contributing to pro- 9 
gress in photo interpretation during the past 25 years - consti- 
tutes not a notable exception to that theme but rather a notable *By 
example of it. "rem 
If similar scrutiny were given to the other items of progress call 
presented in this paper of mine, the very substantial role of fyin 
as w

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