Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

- The surface pattern and vegetation is a typical represen- 
tation of relevant climatological and morphological zones in 
Germany and Europe. 
- In the Tuscany and the Alps besides Landsat MSS data also 
multispectral scanner data from the Skylab missions were 
available. In the Bavarian plain the targets were situated 
within a test site of the National Aircraft Program (FMP) 
where multitemporal MSS aircraft data was aquired over a 
period of two years. 
The different MSS data were radiometrically corrected and the 
statistics for the various bands were calculated on the basis 
of samples representing 100 - 500 pixels. Atmospheric correc- 
tion and corrections relating to the illumination angle were not 
carried out. Therefore only homogene test samples were selected. 
Osterseen, Southern Bavaria 
For the national German FMP, a test-site within a rural landscape 
in Southern Bavaria was selected. It is characterized by smale 
scale and manifold surface pattern. Situated between the flat 
plains of the subalpine molasse basin and the mountainous regions 
of the Alps, different phenomena could be investigated, which are 
typical for great parts of Middle-Europe. 
On the basis of multitemporal MSS-aircraft data investigations 
were carried out, which aimed to develop modells for qualitative 
and quantitative data interpretation concerning different surface 
The object in view was only to attain by an intensive ground 
truth programm, whereby the spectral behaviour of different 
surfaces was determined during a whole day. This ground truth 
campaigns were realized during aircraft overflight. 
So there are data available, which are sufficient to attain 
the principal object in view. 
The multitemporal MSS aircraft data of FMP were confronted with 
multitemporal MSS Landsat dara acquired during the same period 1975.

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