Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

on the Investigated Phenomena 
Proposal on Band Selection and Band Combination Based 
A synthesis of significant bands for the selected target ana- 
lysing the different sensor data shows fig. 10. Beside 1 - 2 bands 
in the visible, 
2 bands 
and 1 - 
On the basis of 
that we are far 
the limit red to near IR, 
in the near/medium IR are required. 
2 bands in the near IR 
above illustrated examples it becomes evident, 
reachingrestricted to data covering a wavelength 
region not extending 1,1 um. This meets especially Landsat and 
the commonly used airborne MSS-systems. The additional incorpora- 
tion of the experimental scanner operated by Skylab, however, has 
phenomena in terms of recognition and detection of physical state 
can be gained by utilizing spectral bands in the medium IR region 
The extension of the spectral sensitivity of MSS systems into the 
that relevant information about earth scientific 
medium IR is regarded to be of upmost importance. Pig 11 
Skylab-Channels Landsat-Channels 
314 5161718 4 5 6 7 
Water oe 
Wood ® ele e e 
e ee e 
Agriculture e eee e 
Meadow's @ @ ® 
Badlands e 
Snov e 
Ice e 
Clouds e 
Pocks e e e 
Pig. 1o: 
Significant channels for different surfaces. 

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