Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Landsat - Channels 
456 1] 
Bare Land 
«= = == Young Vegetation 
Reflexion (9, 
60 4 
40 4 7 
(11# 1 um) 
Fig. 11: Preliminary proposal for band selection. 
demonstrates the wavelength regions which are regarded to 
be of special interest for earth resources applications. 
Furthermore, it is illustrated, that besides the location 
of center frequencies bandwidth requirements are not uniform 
and strongly dependent on the earth scientific task to be 
solved. Because of physical limitations the determination 
of bandwidth has to be correlated with the size of picture 
elements (ground resolution) and adapted to the correspon- 
ding application. To solve above related problems in many 
cases only an empirical approach will be satisfactory - this, 
however, requires a sensor technology which provides an op- 
timum tool in terms of flexibility to the user.

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