Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

3-5. Conclusion 
This paper evaluated the spectral radiance factor of the 
rice fields for the application of the remote sensing to 
the yields estimation and to the monitoring of the rice fields. 
As the results, the possibility of the remote sensing 
to monitor the fertilized status, and the bi-band ratio of IR 
and R bands were very effective to monitor it. The fertilizing 
status was very remarkable from the middle of July growing to 
the begining of August (blooming). 
The influence of the viewing angle in the radiance of the 
canopy was remarbable in IR bnad, but disapeared after the 
flowering season. 
And the estimation of the growing status of the rice was 
possible in the centain degree with the remote sensing technique 
and can be considered that the unhulled rice yield estimation is 
possible with the indirect technique. 
Lastly, the yields for three different fertilized fields in 
this experiment were: 
A: 65 kq/lO0a, B: 73 kg/10a, C: 51 kg/lOa 
and the fertilization control for the large plants is strongly 
required. (Table 3-2) 

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