Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

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Y was artificially infected by a virus disease ("giallume"). 
al : ? ; 
in By comparing both sets of spectra it can be seen that the 
g curves are practically congruent at the beginning of the 
1 investigation. But eight days later the diseased rice 
| canopy exhibits a higher reflectance in the visible and a 
remarkable lower reflectance in the near infrared 7/27. 
60 — T T T T T 
Reflectance factor of Rice 
so + Test site 20 - 
——a: July 7,1975 
— b: July 11,1975 Ses 
..... c: July 15,1975 eat editae A 
40 - 0000. 
30 } 
20 - 
10 | 
rs B Signore eai ters 
0 1 L 1 1 1 1 
400 so - 600 700 800 900 A/nm 1000 
rig. 9 
60 1 T T T i T 
Reflectance factor of Rice 
50 + Test site 18 4l 
—— Q: July 7, 1975 
—— b: July 11,1975 
ee C: July 15,1975 
40 - 7 
30 + 
20 L 
10 } 
900 A/nm 1000 

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