Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Table 1. Number of commercial fields of each crop or cover type in the 
field measurements test sites, 
Test Site 
Finney Co. 
Hand Co. 
Williams Co. 
Cover Type Kansas South Dakota North Dakota 
Winter Wheat 85 43 2 
Spring Wheat 38 222 
Barley 9 
Oats 15 4 
Rye 1 1 
Fallow 87 32 212 
Corn 18 17 
Grain Sorghum 61 5 
Alfalfa 1 26 1 
Other Hay Crops 23 1 
Pasture 9 48 61 
Other 14 8 29 

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