Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

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The instrument system IRIS makes it possible to analyze multispectral 
aerial photographs in a very convenient way. In particular it is possible 
to carry through calibration procedures very efficiently. Preliminar 
studies comparing spectral signatures determined with multispectral 
photographic technique and using a tele-spectro-radiometer show good 
agreement in spectral response. The present study also reveals some 
discrepancies between the results of the two methods that have been 
compared. The causes are expected to be found in the registration 
process employed at the calibration. The present scheme of evaluating 
multispectral recordings should offer good means to analyze and ultima- 
tely remove such discrepancies. 
We wish to thank Dr Leif Wastenson, Department of Physical Geography, 
University of Stockholm, Dr Nils Aslund, Physics IV, Royal Institute 
of Technology, Stockholm, Dr Rolf Bergstrom, Boliden AB, Dr Claés Pilo, 
Swedish Space Corporation, for their support during this study. Thanks 
are extended to the Swedish Space Committee, the Swedish Natural Science 
Research Council, who financially have supported the study and the 
National Land Survey of Sweden for their photography and laboratory work 
and Boliden AB for support in the field work. 
Arnberg, W. and Norberg, R. (1976), An interactive approach to measurements 
in multispectral aerial photographs by means of IRIS - Image Reading 
Instrument System.(Summary in English).- Rapport TRITA-FYS-4000, KTH. 
Colwell, J.E. (1974), Vegetation canopy reflectance. - REmote Sens. Environ. 
5 (3), pp 905-917. 
Denell, L., Engstróm, E.-B. and Tonnquist, G. (1962), Fotografisk spektro- 
fotometri med interferensfilter. - FOA 2 rapport A 2173-294. 40 p. 
Silvestro, F.B. (1969), Multispectral photographic determination of reflec- 
tance. - Photogram. Eng. 35(3), pp 258-262. 
Aslund, N., von Gersdorff, N., Norberg, R. and Nordin, J. (1975), IRIS -" 
a two axis comparator and microdensitometer using two different scanning 
modes. - Proceedings of the Conference on Image Processing Techniques 1n 
Astronomy, Utrecht 1975, pp 229-236.

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