Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

al Band Nr. A^ (Cum) A. À Band Nr. A A A 
ote 1 0.410 0 7 0.680 | 0.04 
2 0-465 0.05 8 9.720 | 0.04 
3 0.515 0.04 9 0.810. (0.10 
4 0.560 0.04 10 1.015 10.09 
5 0.600 0.04 11 9-44 pm 
6 0.640 0.04 
Fig. 2 Postion and width of the spectral bands of the Bendix M?S 
During a full rotation of the scan mirror, the sensors measure 
not only the energy reflected from the earth surface, but also 
certain reference and calibration sources, whereby the values 
of the BB-s* the skylight reference and the lamp references are 
of special interest. The letter values are stored as additional 
information on the CCT and can thus be used for the computation 
of the spectral reflectance factors. The following formula is 
used for this computation (the terminilogical recommendations 
made by the ISP WG VII-9 have not yet been inspected here). 
BB = Black Body Reference 
Spectral hemispherical - conical 
reflectance factor 
Las (9; 9.) 
LA wi 
R 271129 ; 9r, 9r (A) = 
pate Ly (9.9) = spectral radiance | 
re reflected from the object 
spectral radiance 
reflected from the white Lambert reflector 
(equivalent to the global radiation) 
La wl =

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