Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Red Oak 
^ Sensors 
EN ‘ 
N. sd *] 
ta ! ol M Sram le "eq 7 
1. Spe mmm fs T À 1 À 
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Alam) 
; i i I 1 {tb t | i ! 
zenith- 1 ^ 3 4 58 78 9 10 (Channel Nr.) 
Fig. 11 coefficients of variation of the spectral reflectance of 
different objects and the sensors in the 11 spectral bands 
EICH of the Bendix MS. 
T 1 
(CV) ; . | 
20 — 4 
19H = 
18/- 7 
17H 3 
16 " 
I5r- 7 
14} “ 
13H = 
12} _ 
ll} 7 
lg - RedOak looo m on 
sk - 
zl - 
sl À 
Si T 
4r ten, CE 
3Í- Pii i Lade du it a ul) Red Oak 4000 m 3 
2L Jt 
1 , - 
—»- o L 1 L 1 EM d 1 1 : 
6 400 550 600 700 800 900 1000 110c@ Alnm) 
A 1 1. + 4 44.4 1 | j 
1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 (Channel Nr.) 
| oak ; ou 
Fig. 12 Coefficients of variation of a red oak stand, observed from 
1000 m and 4000 m above sea level

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