Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 1)

Be Data Analysis 
5,1 Table 1 gives relative turbidity values of 
different water bodies as obtained from the 
5.2 The percent reflectance, caluulated using 
average irradiance and radiance using the formula 
Percent reflectance = Radi=Rde x 100, 
for each of the test sites is given in table 2. 
Table 3 gives the Sacchi depth in centimeters for 
waters of different relative turbidity. 
5,3 The Multispectral Scanner data has been analysed 
using an interactive Data Analysis System. This was 
done by giving training sets in the approximate area 
where ground data has been collected and then getting 
the mean spectral values printed. Only three areas 
(Habbahalla, Chick Mandya and Budunur) could te 
analysed as data was not available in the other two 
areas (Kilara and Echegere) where there was a cloud 
cover at the time of the flight. Table 4 gives mean 
digital values for waters of different turbidity in 
all eleven M28 Channels. Table 5 gives mean digital 
values of the polluted water at different distance 
points from the point of congruence. 
5,4 Tables 6,7,8 and 9 give the percent reflectance 
of the white plate placed at depths varying from O to 
80 ems. for waters of relative turbidity 3, 5, 8 and 
21. Table 10 gives the variation of Extinction depth 
with turbidity for the four Landsat satellite bands.

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