The close technical and personal relations between Commission VII
of the International Society for Photogrammetry and the Subject
Group Remote Sensing of the International Union of Forestry
Research Organizations led to the decision for a joint symposium
on remote sensing to be held in 1978. As location for this
meeting Freiburg in the Federal Republic of Germany had been
chosen, after Banff/Canada for the previous Symposium of Commissio:
VII in 1974 and Oslo/Norway for that of the IUFRO group in 1976.
The title of the 1978 symposium
expresses the intention of the organizers to focus on problems
having a large economical impact to the human future. The ex-
perience of a limited availability of resources and the need for
an effective control of man-made environmental changes are a
challenge to the remote sensing community to demonstrate the
capability of this technique to contribute to the solution of
these problems. The world-wide response to this symposium as
documented by the unexpected large number of papers presented
at the conference should be considered as a proof for the
willingness to adopt this duty.
The technical part of volume I of the proceedings begins with
a review on the progress in photointerpretation and remote
sensing during the last 25 years since the foundation of
Commission VII of the ISP as well as an outlook on further
developments, written by its first President R.N.COLWELL. This
paper is followed by reports on the experiences of the seventies
and important programs for the eighties. Volume I contains
furthermore all contributions dealing with methods, systems
and techniques which are of basic interest for the interpretation
of remotely sensed data and being considerably important for the
various fields of their application. The ties to other working
fields within the ISP, particularly to Commissions I and III,
are especially conspicuous in this volume. The volumes II and III
comprise those presentations dealing mainly with the image and
data analysis and interpretation for survey, inventory, moni-
toring, planning, engineering and resources management. The pur-
pose of publishing these proceedings is to provide a record of
the actual state. Due to the remarkable success of the various
programs carried out in the past and the promising activities
planned for the future it seems to be justified to suppose a
growing significance of remote sensing in a wide field of
operational applications. The XIV Congress of the International
Society for Photogrammetry to be held in Hamburg, Federal
Republic of Germany, from July 13 to 25, 1980 will be a suitable
occasion for presenting new results of the Commission work.
The papers being published in the proceedings are with a few
exceptions reproduced as received from the authors. Their
allocation to the different chapters was not always unambiguously