Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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Fig. 1 Transitional zone between the densified cote of 
Brussels and the suburbs (Uccle) 
Sign. 2 refers to densified housing; ©6,to concrete roofs and 
infrastructures; M and 4 (class 4 and 5) form a transition with 
residential settlements; = refers to class 7 (see text p. 890). 
Open spaces and tree covered parks are left in white. Sign - re- 
presents water pools or little valleys but also dark shadowed 
areas (unsupervised classification) 
By courtesy of the Ministère des Travaux Publics, Bruxelles, 
feuille 31, 02/05/71, n 515 
Fig. 2 Southern fringe of Brussels 
Built up areas and infrastructures are left in white.Sign B refers 
to meadows and fodders; O and 1, (sometimes with ©) to bare soils, 
waste lands and highly reflecting surfaces such as the cemetery 
at upper left corner. Sign M associated with O, 1 and . repre- 
sents crops (bottom of image) highly reflecting in march (the 
reflection of soils being still predominant). Sign - refers 
to wooded areas associated with scattered villas. 
Photo: By courtesy of the Ministère des Travaux Publics, 
Bruxelles, may 1971, scale of photography is 1/15 ooo, 
and that of unsupervised classification, 1/23 ooo 
Fig. 3a The airfield of Zaventhem on an aerial photograph and 
the corresponding unsupervised classification of LANDSAT (march 
The runway pattern is given by the regular disposal of signs -, 
1 and X. The bright concrete parts correspond to -; the darkest 
to X (especially brake marks).Visitor parkings and Terminal are 
left in white. The roofs of some shelters are represented by 
sign B but it also may be the case for other land uses such as 
taxitracks. Notice two antennas from terminal to the planes in 
A and B. Main runway axes are underlined by a black line to help 
Photograph: By courtesy of the Ministère des Travaux 
Publics, Bruxelles, 1971/05/07, feuille 31, 112, 1/15 ooo. 
Fig. 3 b The new Campus of the Free University of Brussels under 
The same classes of values as for Zaventhem but without any clear 
organization except for sign B which almost stands round about 
other higher values (sandy and high reflecting patches). 
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