Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

Diekman Stadium Parking Flight during an important Soccer Game The « 
The aim was to record the location of all cars parked in a 2 km2 area for 1 
around a stadium at a moment of highest parking concentration. Three late comp: 
autumn Sundays, on which top matches would take place, were selected for by à 
flying, weather circumstances permitting. Evening matches were excluded magni 
because of lack of sufficient light for aerial photography. The time of this 
the overflight was fixed at between 14.30 h, and 15.30 h. (during the game). perm: 
Cars had to be identifiable, for which readability in shadows (if any) a Xe 
was required and any weather conditions which would allow for good dull 
photography were acceptable. The chosen scale was 1:5000 (for easy 
vehicle identification), overlap 80% and side-lap 60% (to ensure complete From 
coverage of the ground: all cars should be visible) As only few chances The 1 
to realize the mission existed (in late autumn the weather is not parti- black 
cularly favorable for aerial photography), they should be utilized to the inte] 
utmost. all: 
The flight was executed in the end of November, The area was flown in The r 
was 1 
both color and black-and-white (Tri-X) with a RMK/A 15/23 mapping camera. 
Photo 1: Part (22%) of 23 cm format vertical photograph, 
scale 1:5000. (Area covered by Photo 3 delineated) 

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